September 2024

Monday, September 16, 2024

Just a thought… Wilderness without wildlife is just scenery. [Lois Crisler] Out here on Canada’s west coast, on Vancouver Island (not to be confused with the city of Vancouver or even the one in Washington State – boy, that George Vancouver got around!) we are often treated to glorious displays of nature at her best.

Rob WhiteheadMonday, September 16, 2024
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Monday, September 9, 2024

Just a thought… Just because I carry it well, doesn’t mean it isn’t heavy. [post on Instagram @powerofpositivity] As we step further into September, and the leaves show us how to let go, as someone wisely put it, I find myself thinking so much about hope, along with a word I stumbled across last week

Rob WhiteheadMonday, September 9, 2024
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Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Just a thought… You can start anew at any given moment. Life is just the passage of time and it’s up to you to pass it as you please. [Charlotte Eriksson] Today is a day for new beginnings, a significant celebration and even a happy ending. As you may have seen on Facebook on Sunday,

Rob WhiteheadTuesday, September 3, 2024
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