Erin's Journals

Monday, August 19, 2024

Just a thought… Hopefulness…can often feel like the most indefensible and lonely place on Earth. Hopefulness is not a neutral position, it is adversarial. It is the warrior emotion that can lay waste to cynicism. [Nick Cave]

Welcome to a new week. I have something in the works that I need to share with you, in order to make sure that I do it. I also need your opinion on something, if you don’t mind.

Sometimes you see something that not only knocks you to the floor, but lifts you up. A perfect articulation that makes you envious that you didn’t come up with those words, but eternally grateful that someone was able to do it.

That “something” is a piece on grief written by the Australian singer/songwriter Nick Cave. I’d never heard of him before a clip of an interview with Stephen Colbert made the rounds on my social media feed on Wednesday. And I’ll link to it in a bit so you can watch the entire 22 minutes, or skip ahead to the 14 minute mark where Nick speaks of grief in a way that, as I say, I wish that I had.

But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to try.

When my friend Lisa was here helping me find purpose and passion in my future again, she asked, “What more do you want to do?”

Without hesitating I said, “Well, TV. But that’s not going to happen.” That ship, though it drifted briefly near my particular dock thanks to Rogers and the W Network, has sailed.

Then Lisa pointed out the myriad platforms I have established myself upon for decades, from Facebook to Instagram, Threads, YouTube and this journal at Why try to find a place, when I have a place?

So I got thinking, and this clip from Nick Cave just confirmed in my heart what I have to do. Allow me to explain.

Every week, I receive emails or messages from people who are just beginning the awful process of grieving – whether it’s a spouse, a child (as was our loss), a parent, a sibling or a job. Perhaps because Mourning Has Broken: Love, Loss and Reclaiming Joy went to #1 in Canada in 2019, my exposure to people who are also grieving was amplified. For this, I am and will always be grateful.

And so I’d like to promise you here – so that I fulfill the promise – I’m going to start shooting regularly very brief 2-3 minute pieces on grief, hope and the perspective that others have given me. I’ll set up a special email address so you can share your wisdom, ask your questions and we’ll have a place to do this together. Why? Because the loneliness of grief, once the world has moved on, is what can be the hardest to live with.

I promise it will be uplifting, funny at times and just very personal – not about me as much as it is about you. I haven’t come up with a name for it yet and you’re welcome to post suggestions on my FB page. I may just call it Moments with Mourning Has Broken. Thoughts? Maybe it’s too wordy.

I also like Hope Warriors. Or maybe Grief Warriors?

Meantime, in case you missed it last week on Facebook, here is that incredibly inspiring “get-off-your-butt-Erin” piece with Nick Cave. I promise when he gets to the “Red Right Hand” part at the end, your jaw will drop. How dare we hope? Here’s how.

Thank you.

Rob WhiteheadMonday, August 19, 2024