Erin’s Journals

Mon, 01/28/2019

Erin’s Journal Mon, 01/28/2019 – 00:00 Just a thought… One kind word can warm three winter months. [Japanese Proverb] Welcome to a new week. As you look at the forecast (or the temperature) today, keep in mind that January is just about over. Soon it’ll be wrong-headed rodents predicting early spring, hearts on sleeves (and everywhere

Erin DavisMon, 01/28/2019
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Fri, 01/25/2019

Erin’s Journal Fri, 01/25/2019 – 00:01 Just a thought… Things people say: It’s Friday! Things self-employed people say: It’s Friday? [Author unknown] It’s hard to imagine it, but January is just about at an end. To say that we’ve been busy (and with company coming Tuesday – and a joyous houseful until we leave in

Erin DavisFri, 01/25/2019
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Thu, 01/24/2019

Erin’s Journal Thu, 01/24/2019 – 00:00 Just a thought… Good manners are just a way of showing other people that we have respect for them. [Bill Kelly] Did you hear the story about the Vancouver area man who’s been evicted because of his three-year-old’s “running, stomping and banging?” The story from CTV is here.   

Erin DavisThu, 01/24/2019
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Wed, 01/23/2019

Erin’s Journal Wed, 01/23/2019 – 00:32 Just a thought… No good movie is too long and no bad movie is short enough. [Roger Ebert] Well, here we are, one day closer to the weekend and one day after the Oscar Nominations were announced for another year. Since I totally didn’t get Roma, which was honoured with 10 nominations

Erin DavisWed, 01/23/2019
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Tue, 01/22/2019

Erin’s Journal Tue, 01/22/2019 – 00:00 Just a thought… Unless life also hands you sugar and water, your lemonade is going to suck. [sassy internet meme] There’s that old saying about taking lemons and turning them into lemonade and while I’m all in favour of the sentiment of it – making something sweet out of

Erin DavisTue, 01/22/2019
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