Erin’s Journal Mon, 01/21/2019 – 00:00 Just a thought… Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. [Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.] Hey there – hope you had a gentle weekend and managed to do some cocooning. We did, although it wasn’t our intention. On Friday, celebrating a sunny day, we were outside and
Erin’s Journals
Fri, 01/18/2019
Erin’s Journal Fri, 01/18/2019 – 00:00 Just a thought… Good writing is good writing and I’m so happy when I read it. [Meg Wolitzer] Ah, the weekend. As you settle in for another cold one, we’re hoping to come out of a week’s worth of rain. Yes, the rains you’ve been hearing about in LA
Thu, 01/17/2019
Erin’s Journal Thu, 01/17/2019 – 00:00 Just a thought… Every activity worth doing has a learning curve. [Seth Godin] Today: details on an evening Up Close and Personal CHFI appearance that you can win chances to attend. I’ll share that with you below. But first… They say that “ignorance is bliss” but I’m afraid
Wed, 01/16/2019
Erin’s Journal Wed, 01/16/2019 – 00:00 Just a thought… If you have to choose between being liked and being heard, choose being heard. [Tara Jaye Frank] Well, here’s some good news: according to the New York Times, FDA food inspectors are being brought back to work, so perhaps I can feel safe buying salads from
Tue, 01/15/2019
Erin’s Journal Tue, 01/15/2019 – 00:30 Just a thought… Merely complaining without proposing an alternative merits nothing. [Jacque Fresco] And so the US government shutdown stretches into its fourth week with absolutely no end in sight. A ridiculous wall that malevalent Roger Stone and his brain trust came up with to help tRump stay on