Erin’s Journal Thu, 11/15/2018 – 00:30 Just a thought… Good ideas are free, or at least they ought to be. [Matthew McConaughey] Now that we’ve put our feet on terra firma for a while, I had to share with you something that I did this last trip that made my traveling life just a little easier. I’ll
Erin’s Journals
Wed, 11/14/2018
Erin’s Journal Wed, 11/14/2018 – 00:30 Just a thought… You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book. [Dr. Seuss] I hope your week is going well; here we find ourselves halfway through both the week and the month. Time is flying and the Toronto Santa Claus
Tue, 11/13/2018
Erin’s Journal Tue, 11/13/2018 – 00:30 Just a thought… Little children are happy because they have no carking cares nor troublesome responsibilities, no painful memories and no anxious anticipations. [Rev. Frederick Canon Oakeley] And here we at Tuesday – so I must be in another city. And I am. Today I’ve arrived in rainy Halifax,
Mon, 11/12/2018
Erin’s Journal Mon, 11/12/2018 – 00:30 Just a thought… True love cannot be found where it does not exist, nor can it be hidden where it does. [William Shakespeare] Welcome to Monday and I suppose that, for some, the weekend continues. I’ll never get having a long weekend around Remembrance Day. Honestly, it’s not as
Fri, 11/09/2018
Erin’s Journal Fri, 11/09/2018 – 00:30 Just a thought… In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. [Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.] And we come to the end of another week filled with more news – more sadness – than many of us can take.