Just a thought… Whenever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness. [Seneca] First off, a very happy July to you, and thank you! You may have been one of the 800+ who answered a question I posed on my Facebook page as to whether it would be okay with you if
Erin’s Journals
Monday, June 26, 2023
Just a thought… Little by little we let go of loss, but not of love. [Author unknown] You can watch a video version of this journal on my Facebook page, or here on YouTube. Well, I hope you’ve had a wonderful first weekend of summer. Rob and I once again headed to a couple of
Monday, June 19, 2023
Sorry to disappoint, but I’m taking a day – maybe the week – off journalling. It’s not you, it’s definitely me. But I couldn’t resist sharing this “dad joke” that we saw posted on a sign at a nearby used car lot. Have a gentle Monday and thanks for coming by. All is well, and
Monday, June 12, 2023
Just a thought… Time passes, but memories linger. [Eddie Stack] As I write from the road, I will beg your indulgence to watch today’s journal, as it was late last night that I put it together in video form, unwritten, just spoken from the heart. You’ll be rewarded with moments of video and pictures and the
Monday, June 5, 2023
Just a thought… Advice from a Dog: Unleash your talents. Chase your dreams. Have a happy attitude. Wag more and bark less. Love with all your heart. Learn new tricks no matter what your age. Show lots of affection. Shake it off. [Author unknown] You can watch a video version of this journal (it includes