Erin’s Journal
Just a thought… Our bravest and best lessons are not learned through success, but through misadventure. [Amos Bronson Alcott]
Welcome in – and why not a Friday free-for-all today? After a week of travel, adventures and mishaps of my own making, I wanted just to wrap (and clear) a few things up.
I posted a picture of a heart-shaped bruise on Facebook on Wednesday night. Unfortunately, I didn’t say it was a bruise (just a reflection of how we all can feel at times) and some thought it was a melanoma. I love how caring you can be and am grateful for the advice and concern.

But it was a bruise. My bad. I got it (and one on the other calf, too) because I haven’t quite got these handlebar brakes down yet. If you stop the front tire first, you can get bucked pretty well. And that’s what happened a few times when we were out late last week making some late-summer memories.

Also, I mentioned Terry O’Reilly yesterday and with apologies for sounding like a fan gurrrl (which I totally am) I would like you to know the date of his first road show: next Thursday Sept. 27. Here’s the info and I will personally refund your money if it’s not some of the best you’ve ever spent to hear a brilliant man just share wisdom and tell stories.

And one more from Regina. I didn’t really get a chance to take in the city, but I sure saw one of its jewels – emerald coloured at that – Mosaic Stadium. It’s where our event was held on Wednesday night and the venue overlooks the field where the Saskatchewan Roughriders play.

Unfortunately, I had a slip of the lip at the podium that evening: in listing Dragons’ Den star Michele Romanow’s accomplishments, I said, “I could go on, but we’d be here ’til the Riders win the Grey Cup.” I meant UNTIL NOVEMBER, but some in the crowd of 180 took it to mean…forever…?
I get folks who are touchy about sports teams (I mean, Toronto’s Stanley Cup memories are in black and white, for heaven’s sake!) but I did mean November, dammit! Haven’t been booed for a while. (Note to self: don’t make sports jokes. People could think you’re not on their side and that’s what a stranger coming to emcee does NOT need!)
And so there you go. A few self-inflicted injuries: one on my calf, one due to a foot inadvertently put in my mouth. But mostly an end to an adventurous week. As always, I am grateful but, of course, the number one reason is because you’re here to share it with me.
Lots more stories next week – and enjoy these lovely last few days of summer. I hope you made some warm and wonderful memories. Have a great weekend!