Erin's Journals

Mon, 03/04/2019

Erin’s Journal

Erin Davis Journal Link to Podcast

Just a thought… Life is like a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. [Albert Einstein]

I hope you enjoyed the sunshine that visited us in Ottawa on the weekend and if you want someone to thank, that would be us. After taking our lives in our hands with a rental car in Toronto that had tires that weren’t fit for swinging on, we made a decision to pay an extra $17 a day for snow tires when we rented an SUV in Ottawa. Good call, I’d say; even though we never had to put them to the test, it was worth it for the peace of mind that came with driving our sweet little boy here and there.
Today (after a phone interview with Ken Eastwood at News Talk 1290 CJBK in London to air at 8:20 am), we’ll hop in the car and drive to 1310 News for a late-morning interview with Ottawa host (and Lauren and Phil’s former co-worker) Mark Sutcliffe. After that, we’ll take our precious boy to lunch, head back home and pack up for the flight to BC this evening. 
This weekend was a blur – much like the week that preceded it – although we tried to be present for the best moments: making scrambled eggs with little Colin two mornings in a row, Rob taking him five-pin bowling for the first time, enjoying a taco dinner and special “no occasion” cake, spa time with Brooke. Tuck-ins and wake-ups, bath times and play times. All of them things that grandparents who live closer to their heart’s desires get to experience so often, all of them things we cherish and try to hold in our hearts until next time.
Saturday, it was late in the day before Rob went out to pick up newspapers, as we’d heard there were some pretty impressive sales lists that I would want to see. That’s the subject of my pal Lisa’s blog today and, thankfully (because I don’t know if I can post bestselling rankings without being accused of feeling too full of myself), I can share in her pride here. Please do take a minute to read Lisa’s blog (today and every day) and I’ll be back with you here tomorrow. 

Erin DavisMon, 03/04/2019