Erin’s Journal
Just a thought… Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality. [Emily Dickinson]
Welcome in. We were heavy of heart this weekend, so I’ll let a few pictures – worth, they say, a thousand words – speak for me today, if that’s all right. I’ll be back tomorrow.
24 forever, 28 yesterday.

A visit to our special spot to greet the ducks and – at long last – leave some of Lauren’s ashes…

…held in the cup of a daffodil’s bloom.

A 50th birthday party that made us smile and eat cake

And instead of a sign from above like a dime, we found a cheque from last fall in Rob’s sport jacket pocket.

Many dimes, many times over. And the date on the 1000-dime cheque? Colin’s birthday.
Have a gentle Monday.