Erin’s Journal
Just a thought… As she planted, so does she harvest; such is the field of karma. [Sri Guru Granth Sahib]
Welcome into Thursday – already! Have you found a good book to enjoy under the shade of a tree or awning, or perhaps inside near a fan or the AC? I’ve been enjoying the emails and posts from folks saying that they held off on reading Mourning Has Broken until summer. I wasn’t sure it would be the kind of lighthearted breezy read that some folks are looking for…until I saw this yesterday:

That’s from a website called Here’s a link to the entire article.
I’m so grateful for the nice mention and am hoping that with the live book clubs I’m doing, I’ll be paying back the karma just a bit. Next Monday, for example, I’ll be joining a book club in Ontario led by Cathy S. via FaceTime to discuss the book, answer questions and perhaps expand a bit upon ideas – mine and theirs – for an hour or so. This will be the fourth book club discussion I’ve joined and I’ve enjoyed every single one of them.
I hope that if you’re with a book club or just have a big group of friends who love to get together over a glass of lemonade or wine and talk, you’ll consider reading the book and sharing a chat. I’d love it.
This is my second-to-last week of writing for Walmart. I enjoyed having a chance to learn what things like hyperlinks are, and the nuts and bolts of writing for a website other than my own, but it’s time to reclaim my time, as some wise woman once said. Next week I’ll put the spotlight on my daughter-in-law Brooke for my final Walmart piece, but for now, enjoy this one: on the road with little ones!