Erin’s Journal
Just a thought… One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating. [Luciano Pavarotti]
Hey there – and welcome back. If you missed yesterday’s journal because of Easter Monday, we took a quick side trip to Paris with some special pictures that you might enjoy, including some banners that were hanging in Notre-Dame. Please check it out here.
We had a peaceful Easter Sunday; after putting on our Rotary aprons and volunteering downtown for a few hours, we came back, got changed, got snacks out and started watching the hockey game on the PVR. In case you didn’t see it on Facebook or Instagram, here’s our table, replete with chocolate and some eggs (nestled in blue shell candle holders) that I blew out and painted YEARS ago. How long? There were 12. I think five survive.

The snacks, by the way, were mixed nuts combined with Cadbury Mini Eggs and Hershey Eggies, but the real star – sorry I didn’t take a picture – were the devilled eggs that had a little nest of shredded Tex/Mex cheese on top and a few (real) bacon bits. I picked and chose elements of different recipes and ended up adding puréed dill pickle relish, a hint of curry (my usual touch for eggs as well as turkey) and even a dash of Tabasco.
They went over very well and certainly kept our tummies full while we rode the rollercoaster ride that was the Leafs/Bruins’ game 6. So here we go again tonight. A seventh game. In Boston. Isn’t it time we changed the trajectory of this team’s recent history? Let’s do it! (And GO RAPTORS!)
Hey – while you’re near the TV tonight – I’d like to remind you to set your PVR for tomorrow’s Marilyn Denis Show on CTV. The network is airing the conversation that Marilyn and I had along with her regular guest, family therapist Joe Rich. Here’s a shot they took after the interview of Marilyn and me.

I hope you’ll see our episode tomorrow at 10 am Eastern (and throughout the day on various CTV affiliates). It was pretty special. Tomorrow I’ll tell you why – there are a lot of layers to this one that go back decades – and then we’ll get back to tulip pictures, I PROMISE!
Okay – here are a couple from one of the most special places in the world, the Keukenhof. I’ll explain later!

Have a great day!