Erin’s Journal
Just a thought… We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all of the power we need inside us already. [J.K.Rowling]
SO…this just in…yesterday afternoon I received an email from Gerry at New Wave Travel and it’s looking like an exclusive taking-over-the-boat Rhine Cruise on the AmaStella in October 2020 is becoming a reality. I’ll keep you posted; right now we’re making sure of details. But I got that note just as I was sitting down to pen this today, so I had to pass it along. More to come when I get back from my little two week sabbatical.
Anyway, I thought I’d keep it a little shorter today and share with you a smile, a godwink, a nod from beyond…or, at least, what I choose to think of as such.
You know from reading Mourning Has Broken (or just from visiting here regularly) that I’m a fan of looking for signs. Whether it’s a feather here or there, a dime or a special song that comes on at just the right moment, I’m always keeping my eyes (and ears) open in case Lauren wants to send a nudge. There are some, I’m sure, who think it’s a sign, all right – one that I’m losing it – but what the heck. If it hurts no one and makes us feel better, what’s the harm?
So it was yesterday that I found myself at the dentist – a lovely lady whose office sits on the banks of a lake just south of us. To look out the window and see a heron landing is just bliss.
Once I’d gotten a filling repaired, I took a short walk along the lake’s edge. There were even a few hardy children playing in the sand and water, their mom looking on, while another gentleman sat and read. A lovely spring sight here on bucolic Vancouver Island.

As it has been and will be for the rest of the week, my mind was especially filled with thoughts of Lauren. I sat on a rock and looked out on the placid waters as I played her singing “Dream a Little Dream of Me” on my iPhone. I stood up to walk some more and as I looked down in the deep, dewy grass, I spotted something black and shiny, barely bigger than a toonie.
I bent down and picked it up and turned it over. Here’s what that was.

A keychain – a goalie mask – for Rob (who plays goal). Sure, he’s never been a Flames fan (try to find a Maple Leafs fan out here!) but I thought perhaps she was saying, “C? I’m thinking of you.” I don’t know…but as I say, what harm does it do?
Have a gentle day and I’m just so pleased to hear that so many of the folks who come by here were in 20C+ temperatures yesterday. Not all, I know, but enough that I didn’t feel guilty about my flip flops and beach walk yesterday!
Back with you here tomorrow.