Erin’s Journal
Just a thought… Looking Forward: There is a stirring in my soul; a restless, wild anticipation. I am staring out into the horizon, as far as I can. I can’t see what’s beyond it – but I can feel it. [Lang Leav]
Welcome to the second half of 2019 – hope you’re well on your way to making those New Year’s resolutions (remember them?) a reality. BAHAHAHA! Who am I kidding?
My resolution for this next while – along with self-improvement, as always – is to get a computer whose keyboard is running smoothly and can keep up with me. In that vein, I’ll be turning this one in tomorrow for a quick fix. Luckily, Rob was able to diagnose what was making it run so hot since we bought it, while the Apple folks (and the company that fixes them here on Vancouver Island) admit there have been problems. So the whole thing’s going to be replaced – the keyboard, that is, not the computer.
Did you have a FANTASTIC long weekend? I know, I know: for some it wasn’t a three-day break, but for many – most, I’d venture – it was. We had an unexpected drive up the island on Sunday when Rob found some used hockey equipment online. It gave us a chance to enjoy four hours on the road, stopping at the halfway mark, after having gotten the equipment, for lunch at a marina in Nanaimo.
It was after lunch that we discovered a little confectionery that makes its own ice cream. You can almost imagine my “squeeeee!” of joy when I spotted my flavour of choice: black licorice. A childhood favourite, I haven’t had it since May of last year and it was wonderful. Not quite as black and rich as I really like, but it was pretty good just the same.

Sunday night, on Canada Day Eve, there was a fireworks display from Sidney, the picturesque town a few minutes’ drive down the mountain and up the highway from our place. My iPhone wouldn’t do it justice and you’ve already seen fireworks, so I’ll spare you a picture.
But yesterday under a mainly sunny sky and in 22 C temperatures (no humidity) it was a wonderful small-town Canada Day celebration as Rob and I helped with the ball toss game for our Rotary Club of Sidney. The loveliest part was that it was held in the very park where our bench for Lauren is situated behind a fence and next to a serene duck pond. We spend plenty of time at Iroquois Park, so it felt nice to be there to celebrate our family, our country and our community all at once!

I wish you a pleasant, short work week and I’ll be back here with you tomorrow. Happy 2019 Part Two! What adventures will these next six months hold, I wonder?
![May the next few months be a period of beautiful transformation. [] Transformation](