Erin’s Journal
Just a thought… Home isn’t where you’re from, it’s where you find light when all grows dark. [Pierce Brown]
Thank you for sharing with us these two weeks here in Ontario. I have to tell you that I am awash in a mixture of emotions, but not one of them is regret about the decision we made to leave. It’s not you; it’s us. We have met up with so many friends since we got here last week and every one of them has reminded us of the heart connections that we made along the way. But without Lauren here, this can never truly be home again.
And so, as we point our car towards Rob’s sister’s in Kingston today and on to Ottawa tomorrow, truly the emotional high point of our trip and our year, we remind ourselves that home is where the heart is – not a postal code and not even where the memories have been forged. It’s where we continue to write the next pages in our life’s story.
Yes, we miss you. That is certainly the truth and seeing friends like Helen, Robina and Lisa, Mike and Debbie, Allan and Betty, Ian and Anita, Michelle, Jackie, Rob’s hockey buddies, my niece and a new friend name Lu, we are reminded of how important it is to make this trip back to Ontario with regularity. And to take our time when we’re here so that we can try to see as many friends as we can. Obviously it’s not always possible to fit everyone in that we want to and who would hope we would, but for those who might be upset with us, we say, “Hopefully next time.”
I have read carefully the advice, the opinions and the wisdom you shared on my Facebook public page or through emails, when I asked what you thought of the title of our upcoming book. Here’s the story of how last Thursday went.
We awoke on that morning at the Hilton Markham Suites. After a visit with some friends in Newmarket, we made our way downtown and parked at our friend Robina’s place. Then Rob and I started out from Bay and Bloor, determined to get in 10,000 steps after a day sitting parked in a plane, despite Toronto’s brisk winds and pelting flurries. We got to the Bay-Adelaide Centre and soon found ourselves in the brand new lobby of HarperCollins’ headquarters on the 41st floor. Talk about a room – an entire company – with a view: we could practically track weather systems!

We were welcomed with an electronic wall sign that included my and Rob’s names, as well as that of our literary agent, Michael Levine. As we sat with Iris Tupholme, SVP, Executive Publisher at HC (and my guiding angel and editor through this whole project), as well as the marketing, sales and design team for my book, I told them that whoever had put together this entire prank had done an incredible job! It was a true “pinch me” moment.
Best of all, when Iris said, “We should talk about the title of the book,” everyone had seen your comments and the decision was an easy one. I stated, to the agreement of all, how much I loved that the future readers of this book – the people who have been with us every step of this story – were taking ownership of its title. And with respect to everyone who offered another title idea or chose the other option suggested, I say “thank you.”
We will be going with the ‘u’ in Mourning Has Broken. It was our first and strong favourite: the double meaning of mourning/morning as it pertains to sadness, to hope and even to the life we had and still have, thanks to the honour of doing morning radio; the suggestion that sadness can end – for however long – that we trust is a message of hope. Mourning Has Broken, it will be. And again, I am grateful to you for sharing your own thoughts.