Erin’s Journal
Just a thought… The reason is that you eat too many foods that are high in “calories,” which are little units that measure how good a particular food tastes. Fudge, for example, has a great many calories, whereas celery, which is not really a food at all but a member of the plywood family, provided by Mother Nature so that mankind would have a way to get onion dip into his mouth at parties, has none. [Dave Barry, Dave Barry’s Guide to Life]

So, a little while back I posted a picture on Instagram and Facebook of my DQ ice cream with a seascape backdrop. It got a lot of comments, many of them saying you’d just had your first DQ of the year, too. There’s something so special about that experience – the first of any season’s traditions. Now, I haven’t yet had my first Timmie’s Iced Capp and on this Camp Day, they’re top of mind for sure as I remember all of those mornings we did shows from the drive-thru at Tim Hortons.
Like a Timmie’s Iced Capp (250 calories for a small; 290 calories for a small mocha), I keep it to just a few per summer. I wish I could just drink them with abandon, but I know how fast those numbers add up and I also remember how shocked Lauren was when she saw what happened to her weight with all of the free drinks she got working at Starbucks!
It’s astounding how many calories those beverages we all love, or used to love, are packing. Yes, there are ways around them and special requests you can make (if you have some – add them to my Facebook post today and let us all know what we can order to lessen the numbers if that’s what we’re looking to do) but boy, talk about dangerous!
Counting calories (and fat and sugar grams – all of those numbers) is a pain, but it works. It totally works. A friend at lunch last week photographed her meal so that she’d remember to keep track of it later; I use myfitnesspal to stay on pace daily and I’m now down 22-1/2 pounds since last November.
Granted, I am coupling the counting with increased activity: Rob and I walk 10,000 steps or more three or four days a week and get as close as we can to that target all of the others. One of my favourite tricks is to get up and walk every time I’m on a phone call that’s going to be more than just two minutes. Got to 15,000 steps one night last week thanks to that one!
Anyway, I looked up the calories on the little cone I got from DQ to kick off summer a little early and was disappointed to see that it was 230. Why can’t they offer a “lighter” version? I’ve already given up on peanut buster parfaits (although you can get them to add a few peanuts to a small chocolate sundae if you want), but why does a cone have to be such a sin?
Some people complained about the calories appearing on menus, when the practice began, as the sign of a “nanny state” or stupid reminders when all you want to do is eat what you want, but I’m a huge fan. When I’m making a decision knowing how many calories a day I’m going to allow myself, I want to choose what’s going to be satisfying the longest without feeling like I’ve sabotaged myself.
Information is power and I just want to make what I hope is a wise choice. Whether that’s at home with my app, my digital scale and measuring cup or out for the rare stop at a fast food joint when we’re on the road (or craving ice cream or to do good with Tim Hortons Camp Day today), I’m glad to have any info I can get my hand on – before it goes into my mouth.
Have a great day and don’t forget that even if you don’t buy at Tim’s today, maybe make a donation to change kids’ lives with a trip to camp. This was always such a fun day and a great chance to say “hi” to you in person. Enjoy.