Erin’s Journal
Just a thought… We don’t laugh because we are happy – we are happy because we laugh. [William James]
Honestly, is it only Wednesday? I want to talk to you about yesterday – a day in the life. It starts with a 6 am alarm playing Pachelbel’s Canon, coffee, a nervous tummy and too many trips to the bathroom. And it ends on a plane in the windy skies, as we head back to the heart of our lives in Ottawa.
We awoke at the downtown Chelsea Hotel. Remember last week’s post about the Ivy at the Verity? Okay, turn that inside out and that’s where we stayed. I will say that despite the $600 rack rate posted on the door, it was about one-quarter the price. (Had it actually been $600, someone was going to get charged with robbery.) And we slept well, which is really most of what a hotel room’s for, right?
Having done a dry run the night before in our rental car (after a wonderful dinner at former co-workers and forever friends Michelle Butterly and Carl Hanstke’s house in Etobicoke) we knew the best option would be a fast drop-off on Yonge Street at the courthouse entry to College Park. That’s where the beautiful Carlu is situated – the same place where Mike and I had our first CHFI show Oct. 26, 2005. We did a sound check at 7:30 am and then caffeinated some more and waited.

The wind-swept crowd made its way into this gorgeous historic meeting place and away we went at 8:30 am sharp. I had a warm welcome (I’ve hosted events for Excellence Canada for about two decades now) and then began introducing execs and guest speakers.
First name you’ll know: Lance Secretan, author of The Bellwether Effect. He’s routinely listed among the top keynote speakers in North America and I felt honoured to be able to listen backstage to his message of authenticity. “We’re inspired, joyful and happy when we’re at one with whom and what we love,” he said. Truer words….

What a fascinating speaker! And the crowd at the Carlu was in for even more great talent later in the day.

Our green room was like a “who’s who” of CBC alumni: Peter Mansbridge, former chief correspondent with CBC news, who was given a special award of recognition…

…as was our good friend Rick Mercer.

Author/broadcaster Terry O’Reilly (also CBC!) was also there to give a lunch keynote, as was Bell CEO George Cope, who accepted an award for Bell’s Let’s Talk initiative. So, truly it was an incredible day, so filled with inspiration and humour – especially when Rick, rather incredulous that he’d won an Award of Excellence, proceeded to read from his actual elementary and high school report cards. Hilarious! And guess what? Apparently he talked too much and didn’t pay attention enough for teachers’ liking! By the way, Rick’s new book, Final Report, just arrived on bookshelves yesterday. It’s sure to be a bestseller (as are they all) and it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. Here it is.

We grabbed a cab from the Carlu at 4 pm, managed to hop an earlier flight than we’d originally booked (thank you, Porter!) and despite some strong winds on the ground, had a beautifully uneventful flight. It’s good to be in our jammies watching CNN, even if the results aren’t what we’d hoped for.
Have a good Wednesday and I’ll have another journal for you here tomorrow. Today a bit of spahhhhhh time. I think I’m ready for it.